Your Financial Roadmap

Navigate Financial Success

Money can be overwhelming

Whether you are just starting out on your financial journey, or wondering when you can transition into retirement, it is confusing to know which steps you need to take. With so many areas of your financial life demanding attention, it is tempting to bury your head in the sand and procrastinate looking at your money altogether. How can you prioritise, with so much confusion and insecurity?

Getting your bearings

The world around us is constantly changing, and it is easy to lose your bearings and become lost on your way towards your financial goals. The fear of taking the wrong turn with your money can feel truly paralysing.

 When you have family and loved ones relying on you, the prospect is frightening and can truly keep you up at night. If something unpredictable happens, such as redundancy or a market crash, it is difficult to know if you can weather the storm.

Making meaningful progress

You may have a clear picture in your mind of what your financial future looks like, or you may just be taking life day by day. Either way, many people we speak to describe feeling stuck, or like a hamster on a wheel not making any real, meaningful progress towards their goals. Stressed, demotivated, and unsure of what actions you need to take?

Where do you want to be?

It may feel impossible right now, but you can achieve calm and control when it comes to your money Gaining deeper knowledge and understanding of where you are on your journey allows you to see the full picture of your finances.

This allows you to:

Understand how global events affect your money, and be able to leave the panic behind

Feel confident that you know the steps you need to take, and when to take them.

Prioritise your goals, whilst still maintaining a sense of balance around the needs of your busy life.

Be aware that progress takes time, and focus on small positive steps towards your future. Be able to look at your bank account without feeling dread.

Be prepared to weather future financial storms when they arise.

How do you get to this point?

This is where we can help

Your Financial Roadmap 

Financial Analysis

A clear picture of your current situation to understand what has happened in the past to get to where you are today

Goals Timeline

Forming a clear picture of what drives you to visualise your future and what gives you purpose 

Spending Plan

Developing the tools you need to accurately track your spending and provide a framework for the future

Financial Education

Understand the principles of investing and longer term savings plans to enhance your financial literacy 

Cashflow Modelling

A personal session to stress test your money to provide the  lifestyle you want, throughout different market conditions

Defining Your Plan

Understand the future steps you can take to reach your desired destination

Step 1 - Financial Analysis

The first step in formulating your Lifestyle Plan is to get a clear picture of your current situation. This allows us to understand what is working well for you and what may need to change in order to achieve your goals.

We will look into how you have managed money in the past and what may have led you to this.

From here, you can gain valuable insights into what your financial blindspots may have been and how you can avoid them in the future. You will then have a solid base from which we can build upon.

Step 2 - Goals Timeline

Our easy-to-use budgeting spreadsheet allows us to:

1. Explore any pitfalls you may be falling into with your monthly expenditure.

2. Highlight areas in which you may be able to save some money.

3. Provide a framework for your spending moving forward.

No two people have the same monthly expenditure needs, so it is crucial that this budget is completely bespoke to you. This budget is then yours to keep, so that you can adapt it over time to suit your specific spending needs.

Using powerful questioning, we will work together to create a clear picture of your financial future, and providing a balance between the different demands of your busy life.

 By plotting a Goals Timeline, we will be able to see how your career, family, home life and desired lifestyle interact in your short, medium and long term future.

 Laying out your future on one piece of paper acts as a powerful method to focus your energy and motivation, and makes prioritisation easier to achieve.

Step 3 - Spending Plan

Our easy-to-use spending plan spreadsheet allows us to:

 1. Explore any pitfalls you may be falling into with your monthly expenditure.

 2. Highlight areas in which you may be able to save some money.  

3. Provide a framework for your spending moving forward.  

No two people have the same monthly expenditure needs, so it is crucial that this budget is completely bespoke to you.

This budget is then yours to keep, so that you can adapt it over time to suit your specific spending need

Step 4 - Financial Education &  Risk Profiling

We have created a one-of-a-kind Investment Personality Questionnaire to help you uncover how your specific risk appetite aligns with our four investment personalities:

1. Cautious

2. Balanced

3. Focused

4. Adventuous

By looking at the different asset types and the principles of investing, we will explore your thoughts and feelings around the markets, uncover any biases you may have, and provide you with the tools you need to start investing if it's right for you.

Step 5 - Personal Cashflow modelling

By using state-of-the-art software, we will model your future income, expenditure, and key life events between now and age 100 in order to analyse how achievable your financial goals are.

By analysing different economic environments and 'what if' scenarios, including possible future recessions, we are able to stress-test your money to see if you can achieve the lifestyle that you want.

Your cash flow model will also reveal any years where there are shortfalls, and provide guidance on how much you'd need to save in order to plug these gaps.

Example of how we model your future income, expenditure, and key life events between now and age 100 in order to analyse how achievable your financial goals are.

Step 6 - Your Financial Roadmap

By the end of our time working together, you will have full clarity on how to make your ideal financial future a reality. With the discussions we have had in the group sessions and the exercises taken on in between each session, you will have laid out the specific steps that you need to take to bring your goals to life.

Whether it's saving more of your income each month, investing regularly to grow your money, or amending your retirement plans, this roadmap acts as your 'north star' and provides accountability for you to live the life that you deserve to.

Live the lifestyle that you deserve to!